「japan Heritage Storybook」「Cartoon version! Awa-The Home of "Ai"」「A trip to Awa」
English version Issued by Promotion Council for "Ai no Furusato Awa(Awa-The Home of Ai)"
Please utilization for researching and studying and sightseeing by "Ai no Furusato Awa(Awa-The Home of Ai)"
This book tells the story of sukumo production.Loved by many as"authentic Japanese indigo(Hon-Ai)" in olden days and as "Awa indigo(Awa-Ai)"today,Sukumo has been produced by people whopreserved and passed down the technique for generations. In addition to this history,we will also introduce you to the landscape and culture of Tokushima brought about by indigo production.
Cartoon version Japan Heritage Site in Our Community for elementary school student
A trip to Awa, the homeplace of ai,japanese indigo, In addition to this history,we will also introduce you to the landscape and culture of Tokushima brought about by indigo production.
storybook(ストーリーブック 藍のふるさと阿波)英語版
Cartoon version(小学生用副読本 漫画でわかる藍のふるさと阿波)英語版